Monday, April 13, 2009

Chickadees Crazy Easter Hat Contest

The Red Hat Chickadees met at the Five Brother restaurant in Salem, IL, and we were all sporting our own Easter hat creations...

We had a nice group of ladies in attendance.
The tables were decorated for Spring and Easter, and we all had hand made candies by our plates.

We had a pink hatter that came to the meeting too.

This meeting marked the 6 year anniversary of the start of the Chickadees Chapter of the Red Hat ladies. Our Queen mother made a collage of events and places that the Chickadees had attended. Looked like lots of fun.

Queen Mother, Mary and Janet.
So, we had a birthday cake to celebrate the occasion.

Then came the hat contest. The three finalists were voted on by applause by the customers in the restaurant.
And the winner is.......our Queen mother, wearing a decorated Easter basket on her head.

At the end of our meeting, it was an emotional moment when we were getting ready to say the pledge to allegiance and three soldiers arrived just in time to join us. Afterwards many of us talked to the soldiers, telling them about our loved ones who have been to Iraq and Afghanistan and letting them know we appreciate them keeping our country safe. It was a wonderful end to the afternoon.

Here's a short video of our Easter Hat parade...If you hit the HQ button at the bottom of the video, the picture will be much clearer, but a little out of sync..