Friday, May 14, 2010

May Chickadees meeting

We met at Denny's and played bingo and had some great food.
It's always a great time to visit with these ladies..

Mary won the door prize......
She was very thrilled to get a month's supply of toilet paper...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Red Hat Chickadees March meeting

Lunch with the Red Hat ladies is always fun...this month we met at Penny's restaurant in Iuka.
Ruth, our hostess, stole this hat from Janet Pratt...she looks very fetching..
Half of the restaurant was decorated in Red Hat fun!
Even the ducks and geese were dress in Red Hat scarves...
Smile everyone......

The tables were beautifully decorated.

The Good was delicious........
Then a few rousing games of Bingo........
BLACK OUT.............
This was the last day Janet will be with our little group, she is moving to Florida next week, we will miss you, Janet...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Cluck, Cluck

The February meeting was held at Kentucky Fried Chicken in Salem.
We had a pretty good turn out for a cold winter day.
The food was delish, as always.
This picture wasn't posed or anything..ha ha