Sunday, July 12, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Luau

Everybody loves a Hukilau....yes, we are doing the hula...
The Red Hat Chickadees gathered for an afternoon Luau at the Glenwood acres community bldg.
Our special guest was that scallywag, Captain Jack Sparrow...of the Caribbean.

Many of us had photos taken with the notorious captain from "Pirates of the Caribbean",better watch that sword, he looks
Captain Jack looks on as I demonstrate my hula talents....he doesn't look too impressed.... but I digress.......
Back to the we have our lovely Red Hat ladies..............
Red Hat ladies.......incognito......

Everyone dressed for the occasion, many had authentic Hawiian attire.....
Everyone enjoyed the food and friendship.

and, we all made our own ice cream sundaes..
The piniata was beaten to a pulp after he was knocked down from the ceiling. Lots of goodies and prizes spilled out everywhere.
These two ladies were wearing the palm tree..
We ended the festivities with a hula lesson, taught by yours truly...ok, so I'm Irish, but that's why we have the internet, and that's where I learned the "Hukilau" dance, which is used during the fishing festivals. These pictures are a little blurred, since I extracted them from the video, which will be coming soon...
Mom and I had a great time hosting the Luau for our Red Hat friends, and they all enjoyed it too, and joined right in the fun..thanks to everyone for making it a spectacular event.

To those of you who had your pictures taken with Capt. Sparrow, I will have prints for you at next months meeting. If you want see how they all turned out, just send me at email to :