Thursday, June 19, 2008

Non-Golf night with the Red Hat ladies,

Golf night??? Leave it up to Janet to always give us a chuckle and make the night extra fun.
Sandwiches at the Mini-golf ice cream shop. Then we were supposed to play golf.
We had a great time just visiting, and decided to skip the golf night and relax.
Bonita brought wedding pictures from her daughters wedding.
Our group was a little small tonight, but summer is always a busy time for many of our ladies, and work schedules have been a big problem too.
Well, I just had to try on Janets golf attire....I think it looks better on her.

As we were leaving, some guy buying ice cream, wanted to know how much it would cost for him to wear Janet's hat.....well, doesn't he just look dapper??...........NOT!
It was a fun night, as always. Oh, and the ice cream was good too!