Friday, October 19, 2007

Red Hat Spooktacular!!! (creepy laugh here)

Here we are at our Red Hat Ladies Halloween party. The idea was to see who could make the craziest hat....there were some really great ones too.

The Old Bat.....and I mean that in the nicest way, mom....hee hee
Me and the Old Bat.....
Janet and her nose ring.....:-)
Smile everyone. Our Crazy Hat contenders are all below....
Janet with her Skeleton hat.
Wilma with her umbrella hat.
Linda with her with witch hat...
I don't know what Rhae is.....but it was funny.
Kathy in her pimp hat..
Judy in borrowed purple hair.

Lots of goodies to eat.
Everyone had to steer clear of the "crime Scene".....^
Everyone enjoyed the food and then it was time for games....First there was the mummy wrap....Linda and Janet won, but it was kind of unfair, as I bought cheap toilet paper and Bonita's kept coming apart while she was trying to wrap Kathy....
Mummy Janet goes insane and begins choking Kathy....
Then there was the "Pin the Red Hat on the Skeleton" that was funny!
Janet, your other left.......

The night ended with tornado sirens going off and cell phones ringing. What an appropriate ending. A good time was had by all....oh, and the Winner of the Crazy Hat contest was none other than ...Wilma with her umbrella feather was so hard to decide, as they were all great hats...thanks everyone for participating and celebrating Halloween Red Hat style.