Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Party Part 2...pix from Linda

Thanks to Wilma, for writing up the events of the evening and for sending pictures, thanks to Mary for pictures (and bringing me my bag of goodies), and to Linda for documenting the whole evening with these great pictures too. I think the traveling Christmas pants just add a feeling of home to the Christmas!
Everything just looked so beautiful and festive.

I'm really sorry I missed the cake, Judy! It's beautiful.
It looks like everyone had a great time. I missed you all.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Red Hat Christmas Party

Written by Wilma,

We got there about 5:30 to set up and Janet brought her twirling Christmas tree, and her musical motorcycle.
the tables were decorated with red and purple table cloths, with fiberoptic little Christmas trees down the center. wilma made a red and green Christmas chain. Bonita finished the decorations with two beautiful flower arrangements she made for door prizes.
We had a lot of food and too many deserts and as usual we took most of it back home. Janet and Wilma donated their left over meat balls to Pat for the kids next day.
after eating, we began to play games. I tell you those girls when confronted with a challenge they whined and cried this is too hard. so I gave a few hints. we played guess the Christmas song with pictures depicting the song, next we attempted to throw Christmas cards in the basket from 6 foot distance. Janet managed to get two in and won. this is much harder than it looks and of course they all complained that the distance wasn't the same for all. Next we played the Hum A Christmas Tune. each person was given a christmas song and were to hum it and look for the other person humming the same song. when they found that person they were to hold hands and sing the words out loud. Controversy erupted when Wilma and Janet claimed they were first and Rhea and her partner said they were first. Heck we gave it to them, being the good sports we are.
Next we had the gift exchange using the Right family method of distributing the gifts. Sheila and Cathy weren't able to attend but a chair was designated as theirs for their gift.
I think everyone had a great time, Linda will be hostess at the January party and she is having a murder mystery. Character names were drawn and each member assured her they would be able to attend since it was important that we have all cast members present. If able, we are to try to dress the part.
The traveling pants came in red christmas color and was found on the christmas tree. The gift table, the twirling tree, where did the traveling pants end up? Why on Wilma's head, of course.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bingo Night with the Red Hat ladies.....

First, of course, we had to eat. We all brought finger foods. Everything was yummy from the bacon-wrapped weiners to the pumpkin roll.

Then Rhae began the festivities by calling the Bingo numbers, even though she kept losing her balls. :-)
Everybody is concentrating so hard.....oh, and Linda brought a great new snack in the bucket there....Janet had a new hair-do......lookin' good!

You can't see it in this picture, but Wilma was doing her one leg chair dance when she finally got to say "BINGO"!

Enjoyed seeing all of you lovely ladies last night....

Friday, October 19, 2007

Red Hat Spooktacular!!! (creepy laugh here)

Here we are at our Red Hat Ladies Halloween party. The idea was to see who could make the craziest hat....there were some really great ones too.

The Old Bat.....and I mean that in the nicest way, mom....hee hee
Me and the Old Bat.....
Janet and her nose ring.....:-)
Smile everyone. Our Crazy Hat contenders are all below....
Janet with her Skeleton hat.
Wilma with her umbrella hat.
Linda with her with witch hat...
I don't know what Rhae is.....but it was funny.
Kathy in her pimp hat..
Judy in borrowed purple hair.

Lots of goodies to eat.
Everyone had to steer clear of the "crime Scene".....^
Everyone enjoyed the food and then it was time for games....First there was the mummy wrap....Linda and Janet won, but it was kind of unfair, as I bought cheap toilet paper and Bonita's kept coming apart while she was trying to wrap Kathy....
Mummy Janet goes insane and begins choking Kathy....
Then there was the "Pin the Red Hat on the Skeleton" that was funny!
Janet, your other left.......

The night ended with tornado sirens going off and cell phones ringing. What an appropriate ending. A good time was had by all....oh, and the Winner of the Crazy Hat contest was none other than ...Wilma with her umbrella feather was so hard to decide, as they were all great hats...thanks everyone for participating and celebrating Halloween Red Hat style.

Saturday, September 1, 2007